Stem Cell Research

by David Endicott

Stem Cell research is a very controversial topic in today’s world of “pro-life” and “pro-cure” people. Initially it seems as if stem cell research would be playing god, but where’s the harm in that? Stem cells may be the solution to curing many disease’s that were before thought incurable. The major argument on both sides concerns life, both are attempting to preserve it. But one is trying to save life already established, while the other is preserving a life that is still in question.

Some people are very fond of the idea of stem cell research, one example would be Tom Daschle the Senate Majority Leader. “To support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research is to come down on the side of hope for the millions of Americans suffering from diseases ranging from Alzheimer’s to cancer to Parkinson’s to diabetes.” Another supporter of the further research of stem cells was Senator Edward Kennedy, he thought that Bush’s decision was “an important step forward” but he added “(it) doesn’t go far enough to fulfill the lifesaving potential of this promising new medical research” Leading Democrats, have vowed to press for legislative language allowing federal funding.

Bush supports the research of adult stem cells, but completely opposes federal funding of research that involved or used embryos gathered solely for research purposes. Bush is quoted in saying that research using embryonic stem cells involved "great promise, and great peril." Bush has had scientists inform him that the research on the 60 existing stem cell lines “has great promise that could lead to breakthrough therapies and cures” This of course would allow the federally funded scientists to research the promise of stem cells without crossing the moral line by proving taxpayer funds that would sanction or encourage the destruction of human embryos, that at the very least have a chance to live. Bush also endorsed increased funding for research on stem cells obtained from adults, umbilical cords, placentas and animals, saying the federal government will spend $250 million on this research this year. One compromise that Bush reportedly had been considering would have allowed the funding of research using stem cells from the excess embryos at fertility clinics. Bush opted not to go that far. He said he would allow funding for research using existing stem cell lines only, "where the decision on life and death has already been made." It is ok for a soldier to sacrifice his life for his country, but for an embryo to be sacrificed for the good of mankind, that’s just too far.

I will admit that Bush was in a very difficult political bind, but in the end I would say that he definitely made the wrong decision. While I am pro-life, and do not support abortion if adoption is an option, I do support the research of stem cells, at the embryonic stage in life, there is no thought process and in my mind, thought equals life. One can say that this person might become a doctor that would save many lives, (of course how can s/he if they are limited by a narrow sighted president). I can understand how the general public could think that destroying an embryo is murder, and that by opposing this they are protecting things from murder, but in fact they are doing the exact opposite, they are indirectly killing millions of Americans that suffer from various diseases. I am one of those people that are afflicted with a life altering disease. Almost two years ago I was diagnosed with type 1diabetes. Stem Cell research could save my life, and many others. "Reagan said, 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down these walls' and Bush can say, 'tear down those walls of disease'. And he could be such a hero for all eternity".

Do you agree with President Bush's decision to limit federal funding for stem cell research?

.........................14% ......................... 622 votes

.........................83% ......................... 3821 votes

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.............................................Total: 4588 votes

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