
First Internet Address: On Independence

I would like to start by sharing a somewhat updated version of the United States Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all of us, all People, from every walk of life, men, women, and children of every race, color, sexual orientation, gender, and beliefs, from everywhere on this precious, fragile earth are created equal. We are endowed by the very Nature of our Humanity with certain unalienable Rights. Among these are Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness, and the Freedom from Fear. That to secure these rights, to recognize these Rights, Governments are instituted among us, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. No Government can justly dole out the rights of humanity or the dignity of personhood as payment for services rendered. No criteria of wealth, property, or capital shall be instituted to qualify as a worthy human being. And whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, abuses its power, places profit before people, accords more merit to corporations than to its citizens and promotes disparity and fear, We the People have the Right and the duty to alter or to abolish it, instituting a new Government. Sadly, my friends, we are more likely to suffer the evils of iniquity than to stand up and abolish the system which we have grown used to. However, even our patience cannot last. After a long train of abuses and usurpations, theft, starvation, poisoning and lies designed to reduce us to cowering, powerless people under absolute Despotism, it is our right, it is our duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide a new way for our future.”

The time for change, people, is now. Stand, and be counted.

I’m not about to tell you it’ll be easy, painless, quick. Anyone who tells you that it will be is lying to you.

Anyone out there who expects it to be is lying to themselves.

We live in a culture of fear. We—you—deserve better!

My first challenge to you is to reject fear. Come what may, refuse to let fear motivate you anymore.

What’s more important to you:
whether your children can go to school and be safe,
or your neighbor is gay?

What’s more important to you:
that your family gets decent health care,
or your neighbor doesn’t have the same skin color?

What’s more important to you:
that when you get home from work, you still have enough energy to enjoy your family,
or that your neighbor has a nicer car?

People! Children, 6 years old, know what Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is. This is a condition reserved for combat veterans. Children in first grade know what it is because they suffer from it. Why are our children shooting each other?

We are about to miss to boat entirely. The wealthy, the people with power, and money—they don’t even need to beat us down with their police. Two of us cannot stop fighting each other long enough to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, and take what is ours.

This is not my world, not my city, not my neighborhood. I intend to take them back. I refuse to live in fear any longer.

And if they fire me?

I’ll find work. I’ll find food.

And if they beat me?

I’ll heal.

And if they throw me in jail?

I’ll grow stronger.

And if they should kill me, then let them kill me!
Better to die free, without fear, than to live like this. . .like a slave.
They can only take my life once.
I am one.
We are many!
Live free, or die!

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