Lies and Deceptions!

The Inconsistency of War-mongers

The last bunch of lies were quickly revealed. When Bush/Blair used that last "winner of American hearts and minds" for war, sold as "liberation of the oppressed Iraqi people", they ought to have remembered their own lies. When the White House and Pentagon now declare that they are not interested in summing up the casualty-numbers of either civilians or soldiers in Iraq, they give the game away in a most revealing way. At least one would think that there ought to have been a target to meet in this respect. If a certain number of civilians are to be "liberated", the number of dead ought to be not higher than a certain percentage of that number. I mean, if more than 50% dies the "liberation" objective seems slightly messed up. But they are "not interested". Can you demonstrate your lies more obviously?

The war drums are beginning to beat again even though this war is not over and Baghdad is looted and burning. Ministries, private houses and shops, even museums and hospitals are by the invaders, in violation of the Geneva convention, left to be ransacked by thugs and gangsters. Only the Oil ministry and the Interior ministry are protected by the heavy presence of American troops. Very natural and very revealing of the real motives for the war. Now new lies and deceptions are fed the domestic public in US and UK. And without doubt the lies will very soon turn out to be the usual Soviet-style propaganda. (Could that be why the Office of Homeland Security has retained the services of several KGB-officers from former the Soviet-empire?)

While armed gangs roam Baghdad and Mosul, religious civil war threatens and US soldiers fire on protesters and ransack journalists' hotel-rooms, new belligerent language is coming out of Washington directed at Syria. We know the language by now. They have connections to terrorists, they harbor wanted people, they have WMDs! Sometimes one would wish the maniacs of the Bush-regime would have at least a little imagination and vary the message. The credibility would probably be higher if the dirty dozen accused Syria of harboring aliens come to take over Disneyland.

When hearing Powell, Bush and Rumsfeld utter veiled and not so veiled threats against Syria, we might think that not even the madmen in the White House would be crazy enough to go it alone again. The terrible truth is that they are! Syria would probably be very high on Israel's wish-list for US-attacks and Israel's wishes seem to be Bush's commands. Iran would be after that on the hit list. Who is next is anyone's guess; Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Libya, Sudan, Egypt? But we can be sure others will follow. We can also be sure that those who follow will be countries without a strong and modern army and we can expect them to be Muslim countries with either oil or strategic importance. We can be very certain that the motives and reasons presented will again be lies.

We can be fairly certain that Syria is next on the list. Had US wanted to give it a strong warning, it could easily have done so through discreet channels. Then Assad could have obeyed without outraging domestic feelings. To do it publicly and repeatedly serves only to prepare the American public for the next adventure. All the signs are there. Allegations and accusations, warnings and threats. Preparations to weaken Syria were taken the other day when the pipeline from Iraq was shut down to deny Syria the 150,000 barrels of oil that daily flows through it (a clever way to win hearts and minds of Syrians, one can presume). Next step will be to fabricate "evidence" and cook up a scenario where Syria can be accused of being behind 9-11. Paranoid Americans will swallow it a bit longer. When US starts to accuse Estonia, Norway and Lichtenstein of being behind 9-11, some of the sharper minds might wonder how all those people could cooperate in the terrorattack of 9-11, but a few more would go down well. So far only Bin Laden, Hussein and Bush himself have been implicated.

The civilized world (those 95% of humanity outside US) is by now very fed up with the Hollywood-Pentagon staged statue-toppling, "chirurgical" bombs, hyped-up rescues and heroic soldiers who reveal their ignorance in every "interview" and shoot at everything around them including independent journalists. The hypocrisy is getting too much! The so far most blatant demonstration of it was when mr Bush demanded that the "UN-enforced" sanctions on Iraq should be lifted!!! Either mr Bush suffers from amnesia and has forgotten that he was the one who, against strong international opposition, demanded the sanctions to stay in place for 12 years, or the America that many of us admired for so long has sunk to new lows.

The lies for the next war are being sold to the public before this one is settled. Probably the safest and most ominous sign that we can expect an attack on Syria is the noise coming from Britain. Tony Blair and Jack Straw have both denied any such plans. Do we remember those two clowns promising that there would be no war on Iraq without backing and mandate from U.N. Security Council? The first indication that something will happen is when Tony Blair denies it.

Jerre Skog is a Swedish writer, musician and independent observer living in Germany.

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