

by Lori Oleskewicz

Angry skies threaten those who dare to look upward. Purple and gray battle for consistency. Fields of wheat blow softly in the wretched wind, but even they will have to pay the price. Forgotten love is left untouched, forever leaving its mark on those who dare play the game. I can’t stop time, I can only watch it move. With each tick and every tock, I lose a little of what once kept us pure. Release is a scary thing, and it's not always playing by the rules. One look back and self pity soon becomes your new best friend. Laughter from all angles, its enough to drive me mad, but listen, just once, even the demons of my past need a break. Plantations of sorrow, quick breaks of memories, soon the sun will find the courage to rise, soon we shall both feel the rays of light...but to wait for a moment we know will not come is empty, is dark, and of course is hollow.

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