

I swear I have seen
The houses of elves
In the woods…
I get this strange desire
To build a home for myself
In a hollowed out tree
And I would
If I could become ancient and small,
If I could vanish and surprise disbelievers -
For what are golden fields if not soft beds
To lay down upon to dream about dreams?

Walking, I come across a sunlit clearing
In the midst of druidic oaks.
The sunbeams find
The small ultraviolet wildflowers
That ask so little of life:
To thrive for them means merely to survive.

I desire these scenarios so much
That it doesn't do to walk and touch
Or listen and look and smell - I must
Ingest it all. I am no wildflower.
I am instead all hunger........all desire.
I am red on the inside........white on the out
And blue for the passage
Of moments of magic.
I am a psychotropic mushroom
That bleeds when bitten;
Yet I am not bitter
When left alone with my crazed (s)elf.

The little people hide from me,
But I know they are there.
I absorb their emotions from invisible stares.
I am a wildflower in a sunlit clearing.
If only I could become ancient and small -
Perhaps all of us [our (s)elves]
Are just that after all.


Some Background


The Elven Way is not a particular form; it is a style. It is not exactly a well-worn path, but it is more accurately an art of path-walking. It is not a mindset: it is an attitude, a commitment to eternal youth, the honoring of the Old Ones, and a vow to serve the Mystery of Life.

Elves live in Shamballa, the City of Eternal Bliss, also called 'Foresthome', which lies deep in the forest and exists on many planes. It is said that humans who spend time with elves and encounter such dream-work will gradually transform thems(elves) into elves over time. Given shared dreams, they begin showing elven characteristics and attitudes. From this observation, it has been suggested by elven sages that humans are elven 'eggs', which can be fertilized through dreams by an elf who wishes to see this 'hatchling' through to 'becoming', or full realization.

-by Mark S. Foley

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