
If the world is a stage, what does that make the children?
are they the audience?
or the next cast in an ever going performance.
Perhaps they are the confused critics
who spout their negative words.
Special critics, who must go on
in the play they hate.
Yes, that’s
They are the critiques of the now actors
in the play of life…
If that is the case these are some
very confused

They do not seem to know, even
though they are going to do it themselves,
The lines to the play.
Nor do they know their cues to go on.
The think they are going to be able to watch
and learn
But no.
Soon they will step out of the audience chair
and walk onto the burnt stage.
The stage with the splinters in the wood.
and the toxic spills in giant puddles.
The stage is no place for aspiring actors.
it is no place to bring your child.


by Peter Russomano


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