

...............It is very hard to see both sides of the Israeli Palestinian argument because the Israelis are so clearly oppressive of Muslims and only the USA has ever put forth a colonization campaign like what happened in the 40's. So there is an obvious injustice.......and oppressed people.

...............But the situation does not exist in a vacuum and the Israelis do have a stance in the argument....especially to us personally, the neutral third party observers.

...............The saddest part about what Israel has become to me is this: The creation of the Israeli state in the 40's followed the Holocaust in which so many millions of people were oppressed then murdered en masse, industrial assembly line style. Now Israel asserts the same SS style oppression over the Palestinians! ID cards, checkpoints, segregated neighborhoods.............and if the world would let them........maybe one day even genocide.

...............At the same time we, in 2001, are addressing the allocation of stolen funds and material back to the survivors of the Holocaust. The hypocrisy is all to apparent.

...............But what of the "Modern Israeli"????? Mostly Russian and eastern European Jewish immigrants who left one war zone for another are what make up a good portion of the populous. Most don't even speak Hebrew. What justice for them? Yet their children are the ones being killed on busses and in nightclubs every week. Israel fails in its effort by failing to provide a safe environment for its people.

...............Palestine fails in its efforts because it relies too heavily on Israel for economy. Why has the Muslim world and the powerful neighbors (Egypt, Syria, Jordan) not helped Palestine to be more independent economically and in their infrastructure? Because they do not care about the Palestinian people and their well being.......they only hate the Israelis. Funny thing is the Israelis depend just as much on the Palestinians as a work force (although with all the Russians and eastern Europeans immigrating this could change).......so if Palestine gained an independent economy it would all but shut down Israel's.

...............So the racism and bigotry is apparent in policy and practice on both sides. Hatred is what breeds war, war is what we have.

...............My point is this: Both sides fail their own people by failing to p[rovide stability in times of war (i.e. constantly!).

...............At this point they are in the stalemate where neither has any chance at winning. They have no future only a continuation of the present.

...............It will take a switch of emphasis from "Who owns Jerusalem" to" Who has a future".

- Radiogod

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