

Where one finds history .....one finds war.

........The only answer for war is (prepare to sigh or laugh) Space!

........Hawking recently issued an article saying that if humanity didn't get off this rock soon we were done for. Correct.

........War is unfortunately .....in terms....natural. We need to change nature in a way for the better and it will change our human nature. That is; To start sending humans off planet Earth ........en masse. Only then will the natural cycle of population and resources be broken. Only then will humans ever learn a scratch of unity because they will no longer feel the pressure of each other's births and building.

........Humans are as harsh as nature itself. Peaceful societies blossom and produce great wealth and culture........only to be crushed by a passer-by or land hungry nation. Every nation must be peaceful for ANY to have lasting peace and a real society to grow from that.

........We could engineer ourselves to be more population efficient. Forgoing any expensive medical techniques we could just have mandatory sterilization. Or we could just have everyone kill someone when they have a child. Which I think the Republicans would love .......no need for abortion.

But other than that.

Build large spacecraft. Put thousands of humans onboard. Send spacecraft whisking through space till they run into something useful. On the way the ships have generations of their own society. Hopefully a new one with a quite unique view of community.

Space .........the final frontier of peace.

.....--by Radiogod:

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