
I almost got hit by lightning the other day

- by Steve

I almost got hit by lightning the other day. Standing at the back screen door watching the storm rage around the house. The bolt struck between the two big trees that guard the edge of our property. I saw it and thought, “So this is how I die?” I was sent flying onto the big table in the room, deaf, blind and speechless. The tingle in my left arm told me that I was close enough to have felt an electrical surge from fingers to shoulder. I started yelling. A confirmation of life. I was amazed that I could be so close to an explosion of that magnitude and survive. I continued to yell for about 2 or 3 minutes, just to be sure I was really still here. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’re going to make it. You shouldn’t but you do. I’ve been quite close to death in my life and it’s scary every time.
Things can change so quickly. We control so little.
I hope when the last time comes it’ll be somewhat less dramatic and a lot less frightening.
That would be nice!

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