
What If

Ok, let’s get some stuff straight! I’m not here to put anyone down or even argue with anyone.
We are not the only country to use biological or chemical warfare!
We do know who the “terrorists” are!
We do know who the Taliban are.
Everyone realizes that we aren’t going to trust them! Even Rumsford has said that publicly!
Corporate America may have it’s faults, but really folks, it’s not inherently “evil”!
When you go to work it’s to make money.
We all do stupid things. Ours don’t usually end up in the news.(lucky us)
When we don’t like something the government or a corporation is doing we CAN do something about it.
Everything runs in cycles. Fashion, art, music, politics, money, war! Everything. History repeats! Sorry folks, there are only so many scenarios to play out and every new generation thinks they “know better”! (maybe that’s the lesson that needs to be learned)
Choosing to do something that might help is better than doing nothing. It really stinks though, when you get bit in the ass if it doesn’t satisfy everyone. And it never will.

Jerre has made some good points and Eric and others have also. But those points get lost when you realize that the good ones are mixed with information that is incorrect. Facts are facts. Truths are truths. We can’t turn away from the truth because it doesn’t suit our needs. We can’t distort or assume the truth because it doesn’t sound as good or get our point across as well.

Here are two examples that bother me (and should bother us all). I choose only two apparent ones but there are more I will address directly as time permits.

1.Eric says we are the ONLY country to use biological, chemical and nuclear weapons in war.
..........This is not the truth. When approached on it, he meant to say we are the only country to use all three. First of all I am not aware of the US using biological or chemical warfare anywhere in “open warfare”. And certainly there are many countries that have been proven to have used biological and chemical warfare. I feel quite certain that those same countries had they had nukes would have and may yet use them.
Don’t get too complacent with your 7/11 down the street, all the books you want in your libraries or your local auto parts store.
It maybe gone tomorrow.

2. Jerre seems to think we shouldn’t be helping Israel with their little problem. I wonder how the many millions of American Jews would feel about that. Don’t they have a say in what the US government does? Haven’t they suffered enough as a people! Those people are every bit American as any of us and have every bit as much right to demand things from our government. And they are powerful as a group and know how to get the job done. Probably because they have such a real knowledge of what terrorism is and what freedom really means. The Israelis choose as a country to not take shit from terrorists! Some die because of it but it is a choice they make to protect their own freedom.
How wrong was it for the Nazi hunters to kidnap and finally bring to justice the men who had tortured the Jews in Europe? Are you saying that no fight is worth fighting? That no values are worth defending? Does anyone remember how the whole Palistinian thing got started?????? I do.

So there are my two examples.
Now the “what if”!
What if the Taliban or Bin Laden decided to annex Sweden? What if Sweden was getting it’s butt kicked? What if it was a terrorist campaign? What if thousands of Swedes were dying? Should we help if asked? What say, Jerre? Eric? Anyone?

- Steve Hopkins

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