Crowd breach

Crowd Breach

She asked, “ Do you ever
get claustrophobic?”
Your confident reply
“No, never.” dropped
That conversation like your identity, suffuse
In the undulation of darkness on blind mind-light.

Refracted images of alma-mater,
Suburban-green-lawns and sharpened hedges
Still discover you a pensive paralytic.
Borrowed fiber-optic idiom of self
Constricted as sundry product
Samples of conscious
Sound-bitten brain waves,
Taught against media mouth Backwash.
Morning’s mirror mockery
Laminates you asleep in work shoes:
A commute away from oneness
To the obsequious landfill of idols effulgent
In Name brand underwear

At times, despite yourself,
Or at all times, despite self,
You want to kiss the night-
Club inquisitors across
Their fashion mired eyelids.
You want to masturbate Holding them expunged in situation
Against gas station-bathroom-stall-doors,
elutriate their scoured privates
With the Mechanic’s marbled Borax.

Still in the turgid crowd
A face in the dross migration
imparts its chronic fidelity
Of “well-bread” features.
How can you perish as her
Admired gift? …or just die
bachelor-spite drunk.

by David Goyette

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