Family Values in Montgomery

Family Values in Montgomery*

At times you can get ‘em to thinkin’
About the whole Christian value
System and how it really jives with
Their Holy Bigotry.

Lucretia Collins would put it this way:
“Are you a Christian? Do you believe
Christ died for all people.”

Answers weren’t always so articulate.
Such as that afternoon in Montgomery
When they held down James Zwerg
To the communion of fingernails, as
Good Christian affirmative action gave
Women and children a chance to leave
Another bloody, God-given massage
Upon his face.

Marks of an obedient Christian reveal
Themselves in the fervent release after
Years of altruistic sermons. A model
Christian parent understands the benefit
Of giving Jingo Jane and John Jr. their
Crack at saying grace.

by David Goyette

*This is not an anti-Christian Poem. It is a criticism of religious rectitude or self-righteous bigots. I encourage ecumenical understanding of all cultural beliefs and welcome all forthcoming criticism.

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