This is a short little article I wrote just to remind everyone what swearing is.
by James Hopkins
When you go to church, and talk about God, do you get bleeped everytime you say the lord's name? When you exclaim the words "Oh my god" do you get bleeped? Didn't think so. After watching many many hours of usual, I found that 3 out of 20 shows had been given a permit or something to say the words "S***" "F***" and "Bi***" and somehow the other 17 shows were allowed to say the word "damnit" as long as they dubbed, silenced or bleeped over the word "God". Of all things, they decided that God is a bad word. ........
Personally I don't have any idea how that happened, and what happened to common knowledge, but it happened, and someone's gotta stop it, because it's just plain stupid, or should I say "Stu***"?