Here we go again
by Jerre Skog
The coup in Venezuela came as expected. So far we have no proof of CIA-involvement but the handbook from Chile seems to have been followed closely and all the footprints are there.
"...One of the Television stations managed to film one of the three sides in this battle and broadcast the footage over and over again, making it look like the only ones shooting were Chavez supporters from within the demonstration at people beyond the view of the camera. The media over and over again showed the footage of the Chavez supporters and implied that they were shooting at an unarmed crowd. As it turns out, and as will probably never be reported by the media, most of the dead are Chavez supporters. Also, as will probably never be told, the snipers were members of an extreme opposition party, known as Bandera Roja. ..."
According to what BBC shows, it is the same over here! Watch out!!!
Then read the whole piece on Znet!
Isn’t it a pity? On of the few democratic governments in South America down the drain just because the ruling and corrupt former elites and US business and strategic interests didn´t like it.
If US/CIA were involved in any way, which still remains to be proven but seems to be very probable, (it was simply too tempting not to go in), American tax-payers should be aware that some of their effort helped bury a democracy.
In 30 years we will learn the truth when official lips start to blubber, memoirs are written and congressional hearings take place.
When CNN and other channels show sequences from last night it would be wise to keep in mind the eyewitness report from American Fulbright Sholar Gregory Wilpert, doing research on the sociology of developement in Caracas. On Znet:
He writes: