Extinction echoes like a voice
in an endless hallway.
We are alive but already
Death reigns over what once
was New York City
Soft ash sprinkling on
your face as you look up.
The sour smell of burnt
flesh filling my nostrils
Angry families praying
for lost loved ones.
The sweet taste of revenge
when the first bomb hit.
War looks the way the
burning flesh smells.
Firefighters scrambling at
ground-zero in New York City
on that September morning.
Revenge doesn’t taste
that sweet.
Those heavy weapons of
destruction carpeted their
I went through the roof
with joy when I saw the
As the bombs whistled
and sang, the enemy just ran
Even as the enemy
surrenders, extinction comes
flooding down and over it all.
by James Jaffe

Synergy Poetry
Caught in Class Series
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