Beware the grin of the binary cat!!!!
"So far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not
certain. And so far as they are certain, they do not apply to reality."
Albert has observed something....
He is seeing an inconsistancy in our logic system that our culture has
been based on.
There is a tendancy, in conversation, and private thought to lean to
the left or right.
When I for example claim that someone is responsible for acts I
disagree with, I am in no way saying that they always have been responsible or
that they are responsible for all bad acts or that all of their acts
are bad.
In other words...
Things are much more complex that that. Nothing either "IS" or "isn't"!
"Everthing must either be or not be, whether in the present or in the
This Philosophy of Aristotle's is what rules most of the thoughts in
the western culture.
There is a good representation of this presented by Bart Kosko in his
book about the topic "Fuzzy Thinking"...
It goes something like this...
There is a square.
Where is all this going?
Some of these statements were taken directly out of articles, some were
What I am presenting, in closure, is that we realize that this country
is not all bad or in any way all good. There are battles to be fought.
There are lessons to be learned.
I'll meet you half way...
-Mike Mossey
-Albert Einstein from Geometry and Experience
Something that has derailed many a conversation, many a possible
Our culture and general mindset has been dictated, to a large degree,
by by the principles of Aristole.
By this I am not refering , in anyway to the left and right political
positions but to a general priciple of existance. Something either "IS"
or it "ISN'T."
When I get my hand wet, am I wet? yes.... but no. The rest of my body
is dry.
So I can be wet and dry at the same time. But Aristotle said...
-Aristotle from De Interpretatione
Look at our computers. They run on a system of "ON" - "off."
However there are other computer systems currently in use that do not
use this 2 value or "bi-valent" system. they are called Fuzzy Logic
systems. They allow a more reality-accurate system to be implemented. The
more degrees of gray area between(gradiation)the two poles of
on-off, yes-no, guilty-innocent, right-wrong, empty-full, hot-cold,
the more acurrate a system gets to the true nature of reality.
Four Aristotles stand, one at each of the four corners.
Buddha sits in the lotus position dead center in the middle of the
Aristotle shouts to Buddha from all four corners..."Come over here...Come
over here...Come over here... come over here!!!"
Buddha calmly says..."why? I am both here and there."
well... In past articles and replies here at synergy I have noticed
that when a societal problem is being addressed and defended there is a
tendancy to take a point to extreme.
For example...
--I have heard that we are a bad country and this is not true!!!
--The details don’t really matter to us right now.
--They are the opposite of what we are!
--The only answer for war is (prepare to sigh or laugh) Space!
--We prefer to arm and destroy first and ask questions later.
--This is actually the very opposite of what I believe HAS been
expressed here.
--There is most certainly no lack of knowledge.
In Some of these the point I'm trying to make is obvious. In others it
is hidden somewhat.
However if I agree with the majority of any of these statements or not
they lean to an extreme and don't display the whole truth. Most don't
give any room in between their "right/wrongness.
FOR EVERYONE. This country is not wholely innocent or wholely guilty.
Bush is not a good president or a bad one. Steve and I don't completely
disagree or agree. It is all somewhere in between, as everything is.
where the Buddha sits.