

Thank you so much for writing this!!! You are so right that war has NEVER solved a thing and has only created more chaos. Because our 'leaders' have decided, in the past and present, to respond to violence with violence we gain NOTHING as people. We, as humans, have the ability to learn from past mistakes and comprehend increasingly more complex solutions to our problems. Have we decided to utilize those abilities and create a positive future; or have we, as a culture, decided (or has been decided for us) to manipulate and exploit each other at every opportunity? I see both existing in conflict. However, I currently don't see/ hear any discussion about solving problems. I only see violence combating violence and greed battling greed. There are reasons people are upset with The U.S. We haven't heard any discussions publicly about what we as a culture might be doing to cause these attitudes and behavior. These attitudes and feelings don't just come from nowhere. There will always be a resistance when there is a refusal to discuss issues or resort to name calling. I suggest that we don't just extinguish 'our enemies', but learn from them through communication. If we are such a civilized culture, well, you get the picture. If we just take the time to understand why our problems exist before we just react, we may actually solve them instead of just postponing the solution for another time. I wish you all peace and love. (Hug someone today and listen)
Thank you Cary!!
- mike

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