title: The Holographic Universe
author: Michael Talbot
genre: non-fiction
publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991 (Hard Cover Edition), First
HarperPerennial edition, 1992 (Soft Cover Edition)
price: $14.00 (USA)
notes: "A remarkable new theory of reality that explains the paranormal
abilities of the mind, the latest frontiers of Physics, and the unsolved
riddles of brain and body. "If you need to maintain your idea that science
has proved that 'It's all mechanical', that there is no room in the
universe for consciousness, soul, and spirit, DON'T READ THIS BOOK."
Mark says of this book: "'The Holographic Universe' is intellectually
challenging, spiritually illuminating and mentally mind-blowing in its
description of the cosmological unity of time, space, dimension, matter,
and energy. It is one of the few books I've read that successfully
integrates the 'hard sciences' with the mythologigal, the magical, the mystical and the spiritual. And backs this information up with research and documentation (the references
alone would make for a lifetime of reading). Not for the faint of heart
or those with short attention spans!
recommended by: Mark