

  • James...Way to go. Very good observation. What an inconsistant world we live in. I really like your writing. -Mike

  • As strange as it sounds, the idea of a swear is "taking the lord's name in vain". Meaning you use the "lord's name" without any good reason. It really comes down to making a false promise, using God as a kind of witness. So, it would be a lie to God. If you believe in that whole ball of wax. There are a whole lot of interesting conversations we could have about that, but not right now.
    Many of the things we think of as swears are "vulgarities", which is why the people called censors let them through. A vulgar world actually means a "common" word, a low class word. At some point, the people in charge of the networks allow them through. I mean, there was a time when they wouldn't allow people to say the word "pregnant", and married couples had to have separate beds in TV bedrooms.
    For me, the issue that James raises is not whether vulgarities or swears should be heard on TV or by kids. It is that someone else picks for us. - eric

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